The establishment of a Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence in Institutions is an ambitious initiative aimed at nurturing the next generation of cybersecurity experts.


Through these aligned objectives, our Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence in
institutions will work tirelessly to fulfil its mission, realize its vision, and
contribute significantly to enhancing cybersecurity practices, knowledge, and
expertise on both local and national scales.

Comprehensive Education

Provide students with a comprehensive
curriculum that covers all facets of cybersecurity, from foundational
principles to advanced topics like ethical hacking, cryptography, and
secure software development.

Hands-on Training

Offer practical labs, workshops, and simulations to
ensure students gain practical skills and experience in real-world
cybersecurity scenarios.

Cutting-edge Research

Establish research programs that focus on
identifying and mitigating emerging cyber threats, as well as advancing
the overall field of cybersecurity through innovative research projects.

Industry Collaboration

Forge partnerships with cybersecurity industry
leaders to offer internships, mentorship programs, and collaborative
projects that prepare students for industry demands.

Community Outreach

Conduct cybersecurity awareness campaigns,
workshops, and seminars to educate the wider community about cyber
risks and the importance of cybersecurity.

Incident Preparedness

Develop and disseminate incident response
plans, training materials, and simulations to ensure effective
management of cybersecurity incidents.

Policy Recommendations

Engage in policy discussions and contribute
research-based insights to influence the development of cybersecurity
policies and regulations.

Resource Hub

Create a repository of cybersecurity resources,
whitepapers, and tools that are accessible to students, faculty,
researchers, and industry partners.

Infrastructure & Resources

The Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence will have state-of-the-art facilities,

a. State-of-the-Art Labs: Establish well-equipped labs for practical training and
research in areas such as penetration testing, malware analysis, and secure

b. Cyber Range: Develop a virtual environment for simulating cyber threats
and attacks, enabling students to gain hands-on experience.

c. Digital Library and Knowledge Center: Curate a comprehensive collection of cybersecurity resources, books, journals, and online materials.

d. Collaboration Spaces: Create collaborative spaces for students, faculty, and
industry experts to work together on research projects.

Collaboration & Partnerships

Academic Collaboration

Partner with academic institutions, universities,
and technical institutes to share resources and expertise.

Industry Collaboration

Establish advisory boards comprising cybersecurity
professionals from leading companies to guide curriculum and research.

Government Partnerships

Collaborate with government agencies
responsible for cybersecurity to align with national priorities.

National Collaboration

Form partnerships with National cybersecurity
centres to facilitate knowledge exchange and research collaboration.

Expected Outcomes

a. Skilled Workforce:

Produce a pool of highly skilled and certified
cybersecurity professionals to meet industry demands.

b. Cutting-Edge Research:

Contribute to innovative research in cybersecurity,
resulting in solutions to emerging threats.

c. Strong Ecosystem:

Foster a collaborative ecosystem of academia, industry,
and government to address cybersecurity challenges.

d. National Security Enhancement:

Play a pivotal role in enhancing the
nation’s cybersecurity posture and resilience.